今年工作上迫切需要提升一下英语口语,研究一番,决定学习 EnglishPod,简单介绍一下目前的实践,抛砖引玉。
最开始在 ESLPOD 和 EnglishPod 之间决定学习 EnglishPod 的原因是听了它的第一段的对话 “Difficult Customer”,觉得内容挺有意思的。后来愈发觉得它很接地气,每节课都在强调 “give you real English”,也正是我需要的。
从 https://archive.org/details/englishpod_all 下载所有对话和文本。
用 Buzz 把 englishpod_xxx_pb.mp3 转录一下,得到主持人对话本文。
Buzz 转录出来的文本导出成 SRT 格式,需要导入到微信读书里可以划线、标注或者查词翻译。
首先需要把 SRT 文本里的时间戳部分清洗掉,借助 ChatGPT:
jinhuaiyao@macbook EnglishPod % head -20 englishpod_0012pb.srt
00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,000
Hello everyone and welcome back to EnglishPod. My name is Marco. I'm Erika.
00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:09,000
And today we have a great intermediate lesson for you.
00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:14,000
That's right. We've got some excellent real English for you all about cleaning the house.
00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:18,000
Cleaning the house. That's a real life situation. So we're going to give you real English.
00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:23,000
Exactly. So in today's lesson we're going to look at language about cleaning the house.
jinhuaiyao@macbook EnglishPod % cat srt.sh
# This script removes numeric identifiers and timestamp lines from an .srt file,
# preserving the subtitle text and the empty lines that separate different blocks.
awk '
/^[0-9]+$/ { next; } # Skip numeric identifier lines.
/-->/ { next; } # Skip timestamp lines.
{ print; } # Print all other lines (subtitle text and empty lines).
' "$1"
./srt.sh englishpod_0012pb.srt > englishpod_0012pb.txt
jinhuaiyao@macbook EnglishPod % head englishpod_0012pb.txt
Hello everyone and welcome back to EnglishPod. My name is Marco. I'm Erika.
And today we have a great intermediate lesson for you.
That's right. We've got some excellent real English for you all about cleaning the house.
Cleaning the house. That's a real life situation. So we're going to give you real English.
Exactly. So in today's lesson we're going to look at language about cleaning the house.
最后将 txt 文本导入微信读书。
- 不看文本听一遍 englishpod_xxx_pb.mp3,留意一下听得模糊的地方。
- 在微信读书上朗读一遍主持人对话文本,并划线,想象一下主持人的发音。
- 对着主持人对话文本再听一遍 englishpod_xxx_pb.mp3,注意一下主持人的发音。
- 复习微信读书里的划线并导出到 Obsidian,以后再浏览。